5 Awesome Traffic Sources You Can Use for Your Ecommerce Store

You can’t deny that traffic is one of the most important components of e-commerce.

Without traffic you simply won’t generate any sales, so here are 5 powerful methods
used by 7-figure store owners you can implement right now.

#1 Pinterest

This popular site has over 200 million monthly active users, 100 billion pins with
images and 2 billion monthly searches. As result, it’s an amazing traffic source,
especially for e-commerce marketers!

But, the real important statistics, according to Pinterest, is over 75% of people
posting stuff on Pinterest save items to purchase later on.

AND…they claim that 55% of people generally use Pinterest to shop and buy stuff!

Talk about a “hidden goldmine” of ecom opportunity! Plus, Pinterest isn’t over
saturated with ads & marketing hype like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

So, it’s much easier to stand out from the crowd, get followers, engage, and
get lots of traffic to your ecom stores.

You can even create Cost-Per-Click (CPC) campaigns, as well as, product rich pins
which automatically inserts extra details into your pins from your ecom site,
making your pins a lot more engaging.

In addition, Pinterest offers “Buyable Pins”, which appear with the “Add to bag”
button allowing people to find and purchase your products from Pinterest.

So, if you are not harnessing the power of Pinterest in your eCom business,
then I highly recommend to try it out. It’s kind of like “The World’s catalogue of ideas!”


#2 Google Shopping

google shopping

It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie or seasoned e-commerce vet, Google Shopping can have a tremendous impact on your business.

With Google Shopping you can get higher quality leads and increase your ROI with
Google’s optimised ads designed to grab people’s attention driving targeted
traffic to your store.

Plus, they offer “Showcase Shopping Ads” helping you reach even more potential
buyers and it’s easy to keep things going smoothly with Google’s campaign manager.

It’s no secret that most marketers are fighting for attention on Facebook, whereas,
Google Shopping is far less competitive, which creates an amazing opportunity for
e-commerce marketers.


#3 YouTube


YouTube has over 1 Billion monthly visitors with over 100 videos uploaded
every minute and is another amazing weapon for marketing your e-commerce products!

A very powerful way to get traffic and sales is showcasing your products
in videos on Youtube using various methods. For example, a video showing
the best ways to use your product, showing someone unbox and reveal your
product, or customer reviews.

You can also partner with Youtube influencers to promote your products.

Youtube offers a lot of cool stuff like simple-to-use channels, subscription
lists, and other promotional search algorithms.


#4 Facebook


Of course we can’t leave Facebook out of this list! With over 2.2 billion
monthly active users worldwide, it’s tough not to ignore. Especially since
they are still growing 13% every year!

You can pretty much guarantee people interested in your niche are on Facebook.

Facebook offers some amazing ways to market your products, including fan pages,
ad campaigns, and groups.

With fan pages you can build an entire community around your business and/or
niche with unlimited followers. Anyone can like and share your page and page
content, plus, fan pages get indexed by the major search engines.

Using Facebook ads can be a little tricky at first, but if you keep your budget
and spending under control, you got an entire world of opportunity hiding in there!

You can target your ads based on geographics areas, ages, gender, education level,
how much money people spend online, how many kids they have, if they use credit cards, their political interests, and a whole lot more!

There are many types of ads you can run including images, video, and carousel ads.

But, the real hidden “gem” in their system is using the “Facebook Pixel” to build your
own custom audiences. You can retarget people that have visited your store or interacted with your ads and then re-engage them with more targeted ads.

Facebook Groups are basically a kind of “discussion forum”. Similar to fan pages,
they are free to create and use, but groups are more focused on the members. They
provide an amazing channel to get your users to engage and get educated about your products and services.


#5 Email Marketing


I keep seeing day-in and day-out that email marketing is dead … and that is NOT true!

If you are reading this sentence right now, then that is proof-in-the-pudding lol

Email marketing is known to account for about 23% of all sales, making it one of
the most important tools you can have. In our business, email marketing accounts
for over 80% of our companies revenue!

You can build trust with your existing & potential customers, as well as, run
optimised autoresponders promoting your other products.

Email marketing is still one of the best ways to generate fast quality traffic,
build strong relationships with your audience, deliver valuable content, and
promote your e-commerce products.

So there you have it, 5 awesome traffic sources you can be using to drive more
targeted traffic to your e-commerce stores !



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