Benefits of Using Chat Bots for Your Website

Have you ever stumbled upon a website that has a personal assistant greeting you automatically? I bet you have encountered a few ‘robotic’ chat response like the following before:

Hello, how are you? How can I assist you today?

Did we answer your question?

Thank you and hope to seeing you again soon!

Well, these so called “chat bots” are actually known as Automatic Intelligence bot or AI bot.  The use of Chat bots are getting common and popular nowadays especially among corporate websites and webmasters because it helps to save a lot of hassle when it comes to managing their websites and fan pages. For businesses, the real purpose of chat bots is to support and scale business teams in their relations with their clients. By doing this, it helps to save a lot of money which is why business owners are adopting this technology. Besides chat bots are flexible in the sense that you can place them in places like Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram and among others thus allowing you to reach bigger audience.  Besides reducing the workload and saving up money, let’s check out other reasons why Chat Bots are getting popular nowadays.


  • Chat Bots are Available 24 x 7

Not too long ago, most of us are used to listening to the boring music playing while you’re kept on hold by a customer care agent. During the waiting period, most of us spent an average 7 to 8 minutes of waiting time until our call is assigned to an agent. With the existence of chat bot, gone are the days of waiting for the next available operator. Bots are replacing live chat and other forms of contact such as emails and phone calls.

Unlike humans, chat bots will never suffer from fatigue and can perform any tasks you want for 24 hours without requiring a break. This will boost your customer satisfaction considerably and help you rank highly in your industry. In addition, businesses can avoid the need to hire more employees or outsourcing round-the-clock customer service just to reply incoming messages 24 x 7.



  • Flexible and handle multiple requests at one time

We as human beings are restricted by the number of things we can do at one time. In fact, a recent study suggests that human beings can only concentrate on a maximum of 3 to 4 tasks at one time. If exceeds this limit, we are bound to make unnecessary mistakes. On the other hand, chat bots can have multiple conversations with thousands of people simultaneously.  This is a highly efficient tool and can be used to replace human beings when replying repeated and common questions. By doing so, your customer service staff can free up some valuable time to solve new and more urgent issues.  In addition, no matter what time of the day it is or how many people are contacting you, every single of them will be answered by Chat Bots instantly.  That’s why company such as Domino Pizza is already using chat bots to arrange delivery of parcels.


In fact, we at ServerFreak are already using chat bots to greet and serve our visitors at our main website at


  • Reduce Cost i.e. Saving Money

If you’re running a brick and mortar business, you know that you need to pay your workers’ salary for the work they’ve done. These expenses just keep adding up as your business continues to grow. In this regard, chat bots will reduce your cost since it requires only a one time investment which helps businesses to reduce down on the staff required.

Also, you can force your chat bots to handle only simple queries of your customers and pass on only complex queries to your customer support agents if the need arise.


  • Create More Targeted Messages

Using chat bots, you can set the correct reply to your target audience e.g. targeting your clients according to their gender, language segmentation, etc.  Using this approach will help to increase efficiency since these messages are considered tightly focused only to a specific group of people.

For instance, you may set the bots as a fashion advisor for clothing recommendations, or giving away trading tips if you’re running a finance bot. If you’re running a traveling website, you may set the travel bots to suggest interesting places for the visitors to visit and so forth.



In conclusion, there are plenty of benefits and advantages of having a chat bot on your website or fan pages. For business owners, the bots will work 24 x 7 for its owner without taking a break, therefore it helps the boss to save a lot of money while earning more revenue at the same time. In addition, with new breakthrough in the files of AI, NLP and Machine Learning, this will upgrade the existing bots to becoming more intelligent to a point where it does not need to be told by an employee on “what to do” or “what not to do”. Sounds great right? Well, one thing for sure is that the future of chat bots is going to be bright and shining!


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