BitNinja – The All-in-One Server Security to SafeGuard Your Websites


A successful cyberattack attempt could cause huge damage and an incredible amount of loss for your business. Unfortunately, hackers are getting smarter and using more sophisticated techniques to exploit your servers for bad purposes.

Thus, old-fashioned solutions are no longer enough to keep servers and websites safe against these threats. That’s why we decided to become an official reseller partner of BitNinja. Our customers are the most important, so their servers’ and websites’ safety is a top priority for us.

What is BitNinja?

BitNinja is the most advanced security software available, providing an all-in-one server and website protection system. With their 10 security modules, they cover the whole attack cycle, so the hackers’ attempts are stopped, even on their very first try.

In spite of their complexity, the service itself is very easy-to-use, so you don’t have to be a security expert to ensure the safety of your servers/websites. BitNinja runs on your infrastructure with minimal human intervention.

The software uses machine learning to analyze web traffic and malicious requests. This information is distributed on all the thousands of BitNinja protected servers worldwide. This shared knowledge, called Defense Network, is the most impressive feature of BitNinja. This stops the cyberattacks in a proactive way.


BitNinja’s product is very mature and the team behind it has more than 15 years of experience in the web hosting business. They launched BitNinja 5 years ago because there was no effective solution available to protect their web servers against EVERY kind of cyberattack. Each service they tried out only fixed one part of the whole story. Now, BitNinja has become a key player in the bot detection and mitigation software market. 

Modules of BitNinja

BitNinja offers 10 different kinds of modules to ensure that your servers are safe. But it’s important that these modules don’t work separately. They all work together and share the information. This way, BitNinja guarantees the most comprehensive and powerful security suits.



1. Real-time IP Reputation

BitNinja has information about 70,000,000 IP addresses worldwide. Thanks to their Defense Network technology, this piece of information is applied to all the BitNinja protected servers. They have also designed an industry-first new list besides the popular black and whitelists. This is the so-called greylist, which makes the IP management way more flexible and also provides a more convenient way to handle false positives.

2. Port Honeypot

The first step of each attack is collecting information about the victim’s server. The BitNinja Port Honeypot is aimed to stop the hackers who are looking for open ports on your servers. The malicious IPs detected by these traps are shared amongst all the other servers in the BitNinja eco-system.

3. Web Honeypot

Vulnerable files are weak points in your system and if a hacker finds it, it will most likely be a child’s game to break into your server, run malicious codes on it and use its resources. Setting up Web Honeypots for backdoors or for fake files (which look “catchy” for the hackers) allows you to proactively protect your data and block the bad guys before they can do any harm.

4. Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Shared hosting servers’ biggest attack surface is the hosted websites. Outdated CMS systems (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, etc.) make servers vulnerable for different kinds of cyberattacks, like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), remote and local file injections and many more. BitNinja WAF 2.0 module filters all the web traffic in order to block these attacks. The ninja team regularly updates the rulesets with new rules which patch zero-day attacks. This is the only WAF solution on the market, where you can even manage the WAF rules by domains
or URIs if necessary.

5. Log Analysis

This module is responsible for analyzing log files (including Apache, Nginx, Auth log, MySQL, Exim cPanel logs) on your server and blocking the IP when any malicious activity is found. BitNinja automatically updates the rules for detecting more suspicious requests. BitNinja Log Analysis keeps your server safe against SQL injection, brute force, ssh login, and many other attacks.

6. (D)DoS Detection

(Distributed) Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are possibly the most visible attack type and it’s very upsetting for server owners because their websites become unreachable. BitNinja monitors the number of simultaneous inbound connections and blocks the IP(s) if there is a flood.

7. Real-time Malware Detection & Manual Malware Scan

If your server has already been infected, you can clean it up with a manual malware scan. You can also avoid further malware uploads by the real-time Malware Detection module after installing BitNinja. This module monitors the file changes, and when a malicious pattern is determined, the file will be quarantined.

8. SSL Terminating

This module allows you to filter and analyze the connections on HTTPS protocol too. It also works closely with some other modules in order to increase the performance level.

9. Defense Robot

The Defense Robot is one of the biggest innovations of BitNinja. Before introducing this module, there was no service that could automatically find the root of the malware upload and take the appropriate actions. Thanks to BitNinja Defense Robot, you don’t need to troubleshoot manually. This feature finds the IP that performed the malware upload, and it’ll be blocked automatically.

10. Trusted Proxy

Many hackers are hiding behind different kinds of proxies when they want to launch an attack against their target. This module helps you to stop these bad guys, trace their real IP behind the proxy and block them automatically.

Why should you use BitNinja?

If you are wondering “Why would I be the hackers' target?”, let us tell you EVERY server can be a target of the cybercriminals. They don’t care about the size of your business or the type of data you store. They have only one goal: to gain as much money as they can by their actions, so their automatized attacks won’t skip your servers either.



Don’t wait until these things happen to you:

  • Data theft
  • Website deletion
  • Viruses
  •  Spamming
  • Server timeout
  •  Password theft
  •  Account hacks… and more!

With BitNinja, you can enjoy the following benefits:

1. All-in-one protection

All the 10 BitNinja modules are packed into one software, thus this full-stack protection will keep your servers secure against XSS, DDoS, SQL injection, malware infections, scans, brute force, script injections, and many other cyberattacks.

2. Machine learning

Every BitNinja protected server around the world learns from each attack and shares the attack information with all the other nodes. This is the so-called Defense Network that allows proactive protection designed by tens of thousands of servers’ knowledge globally.

3. Easy-to-use

Installing BitNinja doesn’t take hours and difficult configurations. The one-line installation code will run within 5 minutes and you’ll be immediately protected against 99% of cyberattacks. The service is designed to work with as little human interaction as possible, so don’t worry if you are not a security

4. Centralized Dashboard

You can manage all your servers’ security needs from one single platform. Your BitNinja Dashboard also allows you to get deep insights into the attacks, their preventions, and the infected files.

5. ServerFreak partnership with BitNinja

ServerFreak thrilled to announce that we partnered with BitNinja to provide full with advance server security.

Our shared server  ServerFreak’s cPanel server and  WordPress hosting fully protected by BitNinja Security

Despite this huge security improvement, we still recommend making sure that all of your web applications, plugins, extensions, and themes are up to date to make sure your site is safe from unknown exploits.

As always, you can contact our 24/7 Technical Support team if you have any questions about the new security system. If you’re not hosting with ServerFreak, and have had problems with hacked or unsecured websites – why not take a look at one of our hosting plans – we’d love to welcome you!




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