You can’t. / / / .sg are only available to Singaporeans and Singaporean Businesses.
Domain Name
Create a strong identity that represents your brand
Free DNS Management
Unlimited Email Forwarding
Domain Theft Protection
Domain Forwarding
Bulk Tools
WHOIS ID Protection
Domain Rates
.com | RM75 | RM75 | RM75 |
.net | RM70 | RM70 | RM70 |
.org | RM70 | RM70 | RM70 | ? |
RM80 | RM80 | RM80 |
.my ? |
RM120 | RM120 | RM120 | ? |
RM80 | RM80 | RM80 | ? |
RM80 | RM80 | RM80 | ? |
RM100 | RM100 | RM100 | ? |
RM100 | RM100 | RM100 |
.academy | RM220 | RM220 | RM220 |
.art | RM80 | RM80 | RM80 |
.asia | RM80 | RM80 | RM80 |
.blog | RM150 | RM150 | RM150 |
.biz | RM115 | RM115 | RM115 |
.bz | RM160 | RM160 | RM160 |
.cafe | RM230 | RM230 | RM230 |
.cc | RM130 | RM130 | RM130 |
.chat | RM230 | RM230 | RM230 |
.church | RM220 | RM220 | RM220 |
.cloud | RM120 | RM120 | RM120 |
.cn | RM130 | RM130 | RM130 | | RM130 | RM130 | RM130 | | RM130 | RM130 | RM130 |
.co | RM190 | RM190 | RM190 |
.company | RM110 | RM110 | RM110 |
.ai | RM525 | RM525 | RM- |
.design | RM290 | RM290 | RM290 |
.digital | RM210 | RM210 | RM210 |
RM160 | RM160 | RM160 | |
.finance | RM350 | RM350 | RM350 |
.games | RM185 | RM185 | RM185 |
.global | RM485 | RM485 | RM485 |
.group | RM180 | RM180 | RM180 |
.holdings | RM370 | RM370 | RM370 |
.in | RM80 | RM80 | RM80 | | RM40 | RM40 | RM40 |
.info | RM160 | RM160 | RM160 |
.institute | RM190 | RM190 | RM190 |
.international | RM160 | RM160 | RM160 |
.la | RM180 | RM180 | RM180 |
.life | RM170 | RM170 | RM170 |
.live | RM180 | RM180 | RM180 |
.limited | RM170 | RM170 | RM170 |
.love | RM165 | RM165 | RM165 |
.me | RM200 | RM200 | RM200 |
.media | RM230 | RM230 | RM230 |
.mobi | RM200 | RM200 | RM200 |
.name | RM50 | RM50 | RM50 |
.network | RM230 | RM230 | RM230 |
.news | RM180 | RM180 | RM180 |
.online | RM195 | RM195 | RM195 |
.photos | RM160 | RM160 | RM160 |
.plus | RM170 | RM170 | RM170 |
.press | RM525 | RM525 | RM525 |
.pro | RM200 | RM200 | RM200 |
.property | RM800 | RM800 | RM800 |
.rocks | RM120 | RM120 | RM120 |
.services | RM205 | RM205 | RM205 |
.shop | RM180 | RM180 | RM180 |
.site | RM180 | RM180 | RM180 |
.space | RM140 | RM140 | RM140 |
.sp | RM140 | RM140 | RM140 |
.sg ? |
RM170 | RM170 | RM170 | ? |
RM140 | RM140 | RM140 | ? |
RM170 | RM170 | RM170 | ? |
RM170 | RM170 | RM170 |
.software | RM210 | RM210 | RM210 |
.solutions | RM150 | RM150 | RM150 |
.store | RM300 | RM300 | RM300 |
.studio | RM265 | RM265 | RM265 |
.team | RM195 | RM195 | RM195 |
.tech | RM325 | RM325 | RM325 |
.tv | RM200 | RM200 | RM 200 |
.tw | RM150 | RM150 | RM150 | | RM150 | RM150 | RM150 |
.uk | RM45 | RM45 | RM45 | | RM280 | RM280 | RM280 | | RM110 | RM110 | RM110 | | RM110 | RM110 | RM110 |
.university | RM370 | RM370 | RM370 |
.us | RM70 | RM70 | RM70 | | RM130 | RM130 | RM130 |
.vip | RM100 | RM100 | RM100 |
.works | RM190 | RM190 | RM190 |
.world | RM230 | RM230 | RM230 |
.ws | RM160 | RM160 | RM160 |
Country Level Domain Name is for residences residing or companies incorporated in the specific country only.
Minimum years for and is 2 years.
Domain registration and renewal fees are strictly non-refundable.
WHOIS ID Protection is only available for certain TLDs. Note that ccTLDs (.my/.sg/.id and etc) and .asia does not allow WHOIS ID Protection.
All prices are in Ringgit Malaysia. One month is a 30-day time period.
Make the switch to great hosting today!
24/7/365 peace of mind,
standard with every plan
Got questions?
No. is for Malaysian educational organisations only.
Companies and individuals can apply to register for this extension. Please provide us with your Company Registration Name and Company Registration Number. Organisations formed pursuant to the Business Registration Act 1956, Companies Act 1965 and Legal Profession Act 1976, are not required to submit hard copies of supporting documents for domain registration unless specifically requested. For personal registration, kindly submit your Full Name and NRIC No.
It should take 1-5 days to complete depending on the registrar. Your domain will remain active during the domain transfer process.
- Make sure your domain is unlocked.
- Please request the EPP/Authorisation code from your provider.
- Ensure that the admin email address for the domain is your correct email (this is because you will need to approve the domain transfer once we initiate it).
- Please make sure that WHOIS ID Protection is disabled.
- Please make sure that your domain name has not been registered/renewed in the last 60 days.
We do not charge any fee for domain transfer. However, you’ll need to pay the Renewal Fee to transfer the domain name to us.
Yes, you can transfer it to us. Transferring your Domain Name will add one year to its current expiry date. You will be charged a 1-year fee for it.
Do ensure that:
- Your domain has not expired.
- Your Domain Name must be at least 60 days old. You cannot transfer a Domain Name if it has been registered in the last 60 days. Please check your Domain Name creation date by typing
Yes, you can. After purchasing the domain from us, you’ll just need to point the domain to your hosting provider.
We will register your domain once your payment has been cleared into our bank account.
For domain registration made during working days, from Monday to Saturday (9.00 am – 6.30 pm), your domain registration will be processed on the same day and be activated in less than an hour. However, you’ll need to allow 24- 48 hours for domain propagation.
For MYNIC ( and .my) domain registrations, it is subject to approval and will normally take 1 – 2 working days.