Information provided during domain registration is required by law to be made public and is visible through the WHOIS database. This leaves personal details vulnerable to cybercriminal of all sorts. Having WHOIS ID Protection means keeping confidential information safe and secure.
ID Protection
WHOIS ID Protection
What our customers say
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Why use WHOIS ID Protection?
Your personal information is safe 24/7/365
No more spam and junk mail
RM12.90 per year, per domain
WHOIS ID Protection fee is strictly nonrefundable.
For enquiries, please contact us.
You do agree to our terms of service available.
To order WHOIS ID Protection for existing domains, please follow the guide.
WHOIS ID Protection is only available for certain TLDs. Note that ccTLDs (.my/.sg/.id and etc) and .asia does not allow WHOIS ID Protection.
Unprotect WHOIS
Protected with ID Protect
24/7/365 peace of mind,
standard with every plan
Got questions?
One can find the contact information associated with a person or company that has registered a particular domain name. This will include name, address and email address of the domain owner and organisation, the registration dates, the name servers, the most recent update and the expiration date.
It’s an international requirement. Valid contact information must be available for every domain name and it has to be accessible worldwide.
It maintains privacy of your domain by providing valid proxy contact information without exposing your personal details for the world to see. It also helps to reduce spam.
Spammers actively seek out contact details – addresses, telephone numbers and especially email addresses – for their malicious activities. With ID Protection, these will no longer be publicly viewable on the WHOIS database.